Sunday, July 26, 2009

Crystal City Twilighter 5K

Showing up late to races is apparently my style. I thought that maybe there'd be a hundred or so people doing this run, it's just a 5k after all. The numbered of registered runners was close to 3,000. Ridiculous. So while I was fighting to find somewhere to park, the gun was getting closer and closer to going off.

I did make it, but may as well haven't. It was a terrible race. A huge thunderstorm rolled in as it was starting, which actually wasn't so bad. I came out too hard. First mile was close to 5 flat. Second mile was close to 5:20. After that I fell off significantly. Something went wrong somewhere in the race. Either the course was long, or the clock was off, or something. The time on my watch and the race time were about a minute apart. Neither time was very good, however. It was one of those races where afterwards I was embarrassed to call myself a runner.

So now I'm redoubling my efforts to get in 5k shape. I came to the decision this month that I want to aim for the 2012 Olympics in the triathlon. This is my first stepping stone.

Run hard.