Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Know Your Limitations

Today, I had an embarrassing reminder of just how ignorant even the most experienced among us can be.  My grandmother often attends an adult day care center, which allows for her to get out of the house more often.  Today was the center's Christmas party and family members were allowed to attend.  So, Paul and I jumped into the car and went on down.

Maybe two hours beforehand I had gone out for an easy half-hour run.  Normally, not such a big deal.  Here's what made it a big deal:  I've been fighting a cold, I ate and drank very little afterwards, I took NyQuil on an almost empty stomach, and I wore too many layers at the party.

I felt myself getting light-headed and braced myself against the wall, trying to stay balanced.  Just before I realized it was too late, I mumbled to Paul that he was going to have to help me sit down.  BAM!  I passed out.  I woke up sitting in a chair having my multiple jackets and shirts being pulled off and having cold rags draped over me.

My mom freaked out, Paul thought it was really funny, and I was more than little embarrassed.  The lesson is, don't pass-out at an old person's home.  Also, freakin rest when you're tired and for pete's sake, don't take medicine on an empty stomach.  Whether you like it or not (and for the record, I don't) you are human and your body is going to act accordingly.

Happy HO HO HO to you.
Run hard.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

OBX Marathon

Nearly two weeks ago I got an email from Big Dave wanting to know if I was interested in doing the OBX Marathon over Veteran's Day weekend.  Of course, I can't pass up a good race.

Now, I've never particularly cared for marathons.  Not sure why.  I mean, I am very competitive up to 10k distance, and have run many an ultra-marathons...but for some reason 26.2 has never held any appeal for me.

I came out the first six or eight miles feeling fine.  I was pushing a 6:30 pace...great.  Then the stomach cramps set it.  I was able to push through the pain up to mile 19, then I called it quits.  This is the third marathon that I have DNF'd.  It doesn't really bother me because, like I said, I don't like the marathon.  There will always be another race.

Dave tried to throw it in my face later that day, but I had to remind him that not only had I run farther than he did (he only signed up for the half), but I also did it in pain.  Get on top.

It was a cool trip, though.  We got to see where the Wright brothers' first flight took place, saw the largest brick lighthouse on the East coast, and ate/drank at an outstanding microbrewery.  A relaxing and fun trip all the way around.

Run hard.