My first tri of the season was this past Sunday. On the map, Lake Anna State Park looks like it's just off I-95. In reality, the park is in East Jesus-Nowhere. I got there, literally, 15 minutes before the gun went off. I jumped in my wetsuit and sprinted from packet pick-up, to the timing chip table, to body marking, and to the transition area. The gun went off as I was getting in the water.
The swim was horrendous (750m). No surprise. Water temp was 60 degrees (thank you wetsuit) and I got caught by the wave behind me (the female wave). Oh well.
The bike was ok (12 miles). It was a hilly course, but the hills were conducive to high speeds. I averaged around 19, --eh.
The run, I loved (5k). It's where I really get my money's worth. Eleventh fastest overall (6:20 pace).

Final time was 1:18, 77th overall (out of 300-ish). Not great, but it's the first race of the season and lets not even pretend like I've been training consistently. All-in-all, a good start to the season and I'm looking forward to more.
party on Wayne, party on Garth
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