I absolutely did not stay up past 8:30 to see the moon get really big and turn red. I figured there'd be a ton of pictures on the web and that my time would be better spent doing something actually worthwhile...like sleeping.
I leaned in heavily into the rest plan on Monday and didn't run till Tuesday, which is when the trouble began. Ever since I came back from Afghanistan, my left knee has given me problems. Nothing major, and there wasn't ever a specific event that hurt my knee, but all the patrolling and gear we wore has made if feel weak ever since. On my Tuesday afternoon run, I banked hard around a curve and felt it kinda give away. I rested Wednesday and felt good through most of my run on Thursday, until I all of a sudden didn't.
I haven't run since then and don't plan to try again until tomorrow. I'm only worried from the standpoint of this becoming a re-occuring issue. My training pace is still relatively slow, so I'm not concerned about losing ground there. Rest is the best option.
Week IV:
Training Pace: 7:30 (I was hitting this until the knee gave out)
Long Run: 12 miles didn't happen, put the boy in the stroller and went walking instead.
Music: Still need to finish the "Bridge of Spies" audiobook, but powered through the NPR podcast Serial. Really excellent story telling, looking forward to next season's episodes about Bowe Bergdahl.