First Leg: 3.5 miles, 5:32 pace
Second Leg: 5.8 miles, 6:25 pace
Third Leg: 5.2 miles, 7:00 pace
Fourth Leg: 3.5 miles, 6:40 pace
Final Leg: 4.48 miles, 7:56 pace
Total Distance: 22.48 miles
Rouge-Orleans is a 126.2 miles run along the Mississippi River from Baton Rouge to New Orleans. My neighbor's team had a guy fall out about a month ago and they asked if I'd mind filling in. There was no real specific training plan for this race, just kept up the weekly mileage. In hindsight, I wish I'd done something along the lines of having set days where I would run three to four separate times at distances between three and four miles. My legs never really bothered me during the run, but side and stomach cramps were a perpetual issue. The most difficult part was dealing with the exhaustion and lack of sleep throughout the night.

Nutrition was simple enough: nuts, granola bars, king cake...just snacked throughout the night. While running I mostly listened to Audioslave, AC/DC, and Blink-182. The course was simple (follow the levee) and well marked, but I was amazed at the lack of race officials monitoring the race's progress. I'd do this race again, but would want to be in charge of my own team.