Now, I've never particularly cared for marathons. Not sure why. I mean, I am very competitive up to 10k distance, and have run many an ultra-marathons...but for some reason 26.2 has never held any appeal for me.
I came out the first six or eight miles feeling fine. I was pushing a 6:30 pace...great. Then the stomach cramps set it. I was able to push through the pain up to mile 19, then I called it quits. This is the third marathon that I have DNF'd. It doesn't really bother me because, like I said, I don't like the marathon. There will always be another race.
Dave tried to throw it in my face later that day, but I had to remind him that not only had I run farther than he did (he only signed up for the half), but I also did it in pain. Get on top.
It was a cool trip, though. We got to see where the Wright brothers' first flight took place, saw the largest brick lighthouse on the East coast, and ate/drank at an outstanding microbrewery. A relaxing and fun trip all the way around.
Run hard.